Friday, November 19, 2010



Gus is learning about saying Thank You and being grateful in preschool this week, which got me thinking about all the things I'm grateful for at this time in my life.

First and foremost I am grateful for three lovely ladies named Ms. Renee, Ms. Gwenn and Ms. Kathy, who have come into Gus' life and in a very short time transformed it only for the better - the much better, I think. Their patience with him has been unparalelled and I marvel at how inspired and cheerful they appear every day that he spends with them. Aside from being three wonderful adult presences in a little boy's life, they work hard every day to create an environment where children teach children in that kind of beautiful stern and focused way that only children can. Gus is a diligent pupil of all his peers and many of them take their part in his socialization very seriously.

I'm so very grateful for all that.

So having a couple of days to myself last week I got inspired to knit up a quick three pairs (I know that makes me sound like a maniac, but they really were done quick...and I'm all caught up on my Hulu television now) of simple mittens for each of Gus' preschool teachers. Done in a chunky yarn, they are sturdy yet soft and hopefully will keep these three women toasty on chilly days on the playground.

We decorated gift bags together on Wednesday and we plan to present our gifts of gratefulness to them next week.

I'm also grateful:
- For being married to the quietest man in the world. Every sentence from his mouth is an achievement, but he teaches me that contentment is not a sentence.
- For an emerging personality in my son, Gus. I can't wait to get to know him better. He is full of wonderful traits
- For a body that - at the ripe old age of 40 - plugs along without too many complaints and allows me to stay active and healthy
- For running and for Sara who runs with me
- For alarm clocks and for National Public Radio
- For croissants
- For my parents
- For friends with a real espresso maker that I get to operate now and then
- For a group of special girlfriends who inspire, entertain and delight me every time I see them
- For work and paychecks
- For Preschool and the quiet hours it brings to tackle errands
- For Family who supports and helps, comfots and calms and keeps us in prayers faithfully
- For Tire swings and occupational therapy and most of all playgrounds
- For a trip to Charleston and a trip to Atlanta
- For yarn and needles and the relaxation they bring
- For my bike
- For my faith and all that it has transformed for the better
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