Sunday, December 12, 2010

Powder Day




First powder day of the season here in Western North Carolina! We woke up to about a half a foot of snow and the eerie silence that accompanies any amount of snow in the South. It's the sound of everyone staying in and watching the Weather Channel and fretting about driving to the grocery store - to buy beer, bread and milk.

I still feel very Coloradoan here, puzzled by how a bit of snow will close down everything and how except for kids, people only venture outside for dire emergencies - or to joyride cars completely unfit for the conditions around the back streets.

We had fun this morning, building a snowman, a snowcastle and many half-snow angels (Gus doesn't believe in moving his arms) we went sliding in the neighbor's yard and are now sitting down to our second meal of the day.

Happy winter to all of you.
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1 comment:

a said...

you have more snow there than we have here in Boulder... Ugh! Well, have fun!