Spring may be here to stay, but the Davidson River continues to run icy cold - a fact that does not disuade Gus, who after a bit of indulging me with some tame wading and rock skipping, decided to turn the fun-o-meter up a couple of notches and make an escape for the deep.
See those pant legs? They each weighed about a pound once they were properly soaked, again not slowing down my mini braveheart who proceeded to clamber up a huge downed tree and simply hurl himself into the icy stream. I spent a split-second deciding whether to rescue him or simply document it all for posterity. I opted to fish him out, hence no picture of the quixotic Gus event of the day.
So we return home not for the first time from a "hike" with a ball of wet clothes in the back and a still delighted Gus riding in his booster seat sans a stitch of clothing. He is a pure adventurer at heart and a nudist in the making.
He knows how to live and he won't let a bit of goosebumpy skin get in the way of it.
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