Another solo Saturday for the two of us - Jacob has been working every single weekend this month. With a slight chill in the air and fog on the hillsides, Gus and I decided to pull out some warmer clothes before going on our usual Saturday morning outing - a bike ride to the Bracken Mountain Bakery.
Isn't he cute in his new skinny jeans - score at the WEE consignment sale - and a top sent from Switzerland by Osi? Gus certainely is feeling adorable.
I can barely keep myself from cooing when I see this view. My adorable little boy riding his big bike and wearing his new red backpack - a gift from my boss-friend, Stacey. He loves the backpack and I love jogging behind the bike without a purse whipping around my hips (he carries my wallet in it, I love it!)
A well deserved, delicious and utterly indulgent breakfast - we feel very European, when we do this -although Gus loves Cinnamon Rolls and Mocha Swirls better than Croissants. Check out Mater waiting to get in on a piece of the action (he, too, rides in the backpack).
Yup, he is feeling stylish and I can't get enough of the sight of him. I wish there were more
accessories for boys in this world.
Gus waiting for the toy store to open - luckily for my wallet (in the much-mentioned backpack) opening hours are a fiscially-friendly 10-6 p.m. (and we are out way earlier than that).
Gus did good today forgoing a fit in front of the toy store and instead opting for a leisurely stroll along the store fronts and finally a fierce ride home for an early matinee showing of his favorite Mighty Machines episodes (we really dig airplanes right now).