Thursday, August 2, 2012

En Schoene Erschte Auguscht!

Since Gus is half-Swiss we try to keep the tradition alive far from the homeland.
Part of it, involves children carrying paper "lampions" with colorful designs, they are lit up from the inside with candles and children usually march them in a parade to the nearby bonfire, which almost every Swiss town hosts on the First of August.
This tradition harkens back to the dark ages (Switzerland declared itself independent from the surounding Kingdoms in 1291) when neighboring factions used fires to signal to each other enemy movements.

Unfortunately Gus and his two friends, Meredith and Kathryn, were all tuckered after two hours of intense swimming, yet the sun hadn't quite set - we decided to light them up anyway with little effect...they still enjoyed it though.
Happy Erschte Auguscht!
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