Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gus early on showed an enthusiastic love for music - all kinds of music. Polka, hip-hop, bad elevator mush, rap, Pop, folk, you name it, it makes him move and groove. Here is a short video we shot this morning as Gus fired up his latest love: Queen, enjoyed at the highest possible decible level...

Gus' four biggest fans

Gus had a wonderful, plentiful, fun and much adored Christmas with all four of his grandparents visiting. When it came to be picture-time he was almost out of smiles...
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why put anything in it?

As the old adage goes...wrapping paper is just as much fun as what's wrapped in it...if not more...

Case in point....and no, we didn't wrap Gus in it ....

You can shred it, wave it, crinkle it, run around with it...

The fun is endless....
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Christmas Eve

Some of my favorite moments of a blessed and fun evening...

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tree's company

How to choose, so many trees...
Oh I see it, right there

Yes, that's the ONE!

And off we go to take it home and let the womenfolk decorate it...
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Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh what fun it is...

Look who's here to share a ride in a one-horse open sleigh...

Grosi & Grossbape got here Tuesday and we've been on the move ever since....yesterday evening we stopped by our bank's annual Christmas party where Santa graceously let us try out his ride...
This could be our Christmas card if I ever were to send Christmas cards...
Gus and Santa got along just fine...Gus was interested in the Hermine trimmings on Santa's outfit and his beard...other than that he just chilled on his lap...
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lots of girls (and some boys)

Today Gus and I, joined our newly-engaged cousin Say-say, and became running buddies at the annual Girls on The Run 5K in Asheville. Under brilliant skies, we ran, walked, and talked without so much as a comma with Brooklyn (pictured on the right) and her friend Abby (on the left)...Girls on the Run encourages girls to engage in physical activity through the mentorship and guidance of positive role models and I like everything about this charity....especially the hope to pass on the fun and sense of achievement that running has always given me.

Brooklyn was a good sport and valiantly fought her way up the many uphills...on a particularly knarly stretch she suddenly turned to me and said between labored breaths..."I'm hungry and my feet hurt" I had to laugh out loud and then told her with a as much assurance as I could muster that that's quite normal "I have felt that way many of mornings on long runs"...she gave me a look of mild disgust and inquired how much longer we had to go...for the 20th time or so...

Gus' favorite thing was the balloon...he got to keep them...

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Friday, December 12, 2008


All you foodnetwork chefs move over...here comes Toddler-Chef, master of the messy kitchen....his specialty? Puerto Rican stewed black beans...what else?

Hmmm...a little more salt and another bay leaf please, Mom....
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Time to get Ill

Gus is not feeling well today. Sunday we chuckled over the fact that he was snoring in his sleep, by Monday we had a runny nose and last night was a futile excercise in getting rest for all of us. Poor fellow! He is so congested and phlemmed-up that he cannot stand lying down for very long. That doesn't, however, stop him from being one step ahead of me at all waking hours. So far today he's poured out a generous dusting of flour from the baking bin and upturned a box of mashed potato flakes from the pantry...but when he tugs at my legs, while I'm cleaning up and I turn around with an exasperated "what?!" I see this...look how pitiful, those red-rimmed eyes swimming in tears and snot running everywhere. We're making the most of it - with a little Beasty Boys...Gus is dancing and bobbing to "Time to get Ill" as I type this. Nothing like a little Hip-Hop to perk us up...
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Monday, December 8, 2008

So big!

Yesterday afternoon I walked by Gus' room only glancing in out of habit to see how the afternoon nap was progressing...Gus looked up and smiled - perched on his belly atop the guardrail of his crib - I ran and hollered, waking my other napping man...then we spent the next hour lowering the crib to the lowest most position (that required a recall patch-up kit, I had luckily sent for a couple of months ago) and eliminated the bumper pads and little baby crib adornments...then my two men climbed in and tried it on for size...literally! We think we're safe for another couple of months or 4 more inches in height...

After 15 months of use it's probably only normal that the nursery's cuteness is fading, all the bows and frills look worn or pointless. I'm oddly perterped by the fact that is starting to look like a messy little boy's room..."slow down" is what I want to say...to no one in particular.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jingle Bells 5K

Our first official race together. I figured Gus deserved a shot at winning his age group since he's been such a loyal and cheerful training buddy. With the temperatures in the mid-20s we lined up with a bunch of other crazies at 9 a.m. yesterday. See all the Santas? The hats were part of the goodie bag...we accessorized with raindeer antlers, however.

Gamefaces at the start...

Charging up the finish hill...

We had a blast. Gus loved running with other people...I, of course, have always loved it. Our finishing time was somewhere around 25:something...not bad for two legs and three wheels...
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Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Holidays to all of you!

We managed to decorate this week. Hung the stockings and all. Gus is fascinated by the nativity set, rearranging it with much flair...we play Holiday tunes at maximum volume and dance to it. Happy Holiday season to all of you.
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All in a day's work

This is one of Gus' favorite chores. I summon him by saying "Gus, compost" and he hustles to my side and takes the compost pail with a somber look of industriousness. Then he sets out across the backyard...
....stops to say hi to Daddy cutting down a tree in our sideyard....
..and then waits for me with a look of busy impatience (c'mon Mom!) to empty the pail into our compost pile...

He works hard for his room and board.
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Roll Tide!

The day of reckoning was Saturday. That's when Alabama's two college football teams turn to face each other in the Iron Bowl. Since my Sister-in-law, Leah, and her husband, Andy, are both Auburn alums, and Jacob and I support the University of Alabama, the rivalry is personal and spirited and takes place right there in the kitchen or on the couch...

This year, we got to involve two cute little tykes in it, dressing them in their respective team colors...save to say, neither one cared one bit...
but Andy cared a great deal when he had to wear my crimson cap as a gesture of defeat (we beat them 36-0, Roll Tide!) Look at him...that's pain right there!
Back to the boys, neither one feels particularly victorious or defeated...they were just happy to be sharing a great spot next to Granna's seat where all the picture books are...I hope they'll always love each other more than they love their parents' favorite teams.
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Giving Thanks

I give thanks for lazy days in Locust Fork, eating way too much food, watching way too much TV and having way too much fun with two little boys, who are wonderfully sweet to each other at this point in time. We enjoyed our visit with cousin Edward very much...

...even if he beat Gus repeatedly in the grand staircase climb...
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