Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Sick Bug



Gus is sick with a tummy bug that has slowed him down and makes me whince every time he looks longingly at food and then starts gulping with watery eyes...needless to say we are washing a load of assorted clothes, wash cloths and towels every day, guzzling gatorade and waiting for this nasty thing to wear itself out. Gus doesn't complain, instead he politely wakes me in the middle of the night and we sit in the bathroom and wait until his last meal has come and gone down the drain. So sad, but a little bit sweet, too, since he is more cuddly than ever and seems to need me and quiet time more than ever.

Yesterday he wanted to cook "cheesy pasta" which he later ate hungrily and actually retained so far. Today for his nap, he insisted he sleep "in my tent" so I let him and he laid there for a good 10 minutes just smiling to himself before falling asleep.

I pray he feels better for Christmas, he is so looking forward to it. Reciting his story of Baby Jesus' birth dutifully every day.
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1 comment:

Julie said...

Merry Christmas, Geraldine! I hope Gus is already feeling better.