Sunday, July 22, 2012

Easy as riding a bike

Earlier this month, we opted to buy Gus a new bike, since he has outgrown his push-bike, both in size and concept. It was time - we decided in our parental wisdom - to introduce pedals and brakes.

I expected that it would take weeks if not months for Gus to pick up the new skills required to ride a big bike (too big for him really, but I don't want to have to buy another one next summer,
since he is growing at a good clip)
But here goes Gus, after 15 minutes yesterday and another hour today. He loves the feeling of going on his own power - only he likes to pedal fast on the downhills and pedal rarely on the uphills...

We still have to nail down the concept of back-pedaling for the disc brake, as well as getting on and off without a hitch...but I'm so proud of our boy, who loves a good physical challenge and puts all his intellectual might to figuring out how to make it work.
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