Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Birthday week

When you have an autistic mind, you have to warm up slowly to change, and so we have been celebrating every day this week leading up to Gus' 5th birthday birthday Sept. 14.
Today was an extra awesome day, as Gus got to celebrate - separately - with special buddies, Rion and Elijah. Unfortunately, we only have pictures of the former - at least for now.

You can't see it in the picture, but the cupcake is a cute, cute owl - and Gus' is plugging his ears because we are singing. He kind of likes it, but wants to make sure his fingers are at the ready if one of us hits a sour note - he has experience with bad singing by his mother, and has developed tools to deal with it.

Gus takes care of the five candles.

Rion takes care of his half of the cupcake.

Gus loves his present from Rion - Curious George goes to the beach - as are we in just 2 more days!
Elijah & Gus birthday fete involved capes and crowns, presents and bad-for-you food.
It was sweet, unrehearsed, unstructured and really relaxed and fun.
Gus loves his new accordeon, and we love the Bahnson family.
Happy Birthday, Gus. Three more days as a four-year-old boy.
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