Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Work it cover boy!

Unadorned, practical, frumpy even - those are the words that describe my fashion sense these days...but you wouldn't know it if you look at my mini model here...whenever I get ambitious, Gus gets "dolled up" and then he strolls and vogues on the imaginary catwalk in our kitchen like a proud lil' rooster, while I snap away...don't feel bad for me though, now and then I manage lipstick and then I feel almost worthy of taking this cute little man out on the town.

He is so much a little mischivious boy now it simply astonishes me:
- He throws stuff in the garbage - some of it not meant to go there - like my cellphone
- He also likes to throw shoes over the kiddy gate down the basement stairs...one shoe of every one of my pairs, he leaves his Daddy's shoes alone...dont' know what to make of that...
- he picks up the phone and - with a hillariously serious face - dials numbers and "bruschles" (Swiss-German for important under-your-breath muttering) into the phone (usually into the wrong side)
- he loves to carry the compost pail all the way to the compost in the backyard (I carry him)
- he will rather push his stroller than sit in it (while I'm fantasizing about parking my lazy butt in it)
- he grabs his Daddy's keys and tries to stick them in the ignition when we play in the truck (we do that when I read the mail or a book) I know someday I will look up from a particularly outrageous credit card bill or a really good paperback to discover that I'm going down the road, chauffeured by my 1-year-old
- we run around all day and play every instrument we come across (that includes the diaper pail, Daddy's banjo, the tennis raquet and Mommie's belly)
- He loves to help me "clean" running around with a rag or stomping by with his broom
- You should see what he can do with an unattended phone book - Origami is NOTHING compared to his crinkle art
- He is VERY busy, almost ALL THE TIME (..and so am I)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, sun-day

Driving naked - not a felony in the backyard.
Getting ready for the French Open - still naked...
Visiting and "being nice" to girl-buddy Greysen.
Clapping his hands and just enjoying a lazy Sunday at home.
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Roll on Crimson Tide!

University of Alabama's cutest college football fan (the twins can only dream of this kind of cute) gets ready to "roll the tide" in his crimson outfit complete with "Big Al" inspired footwork...

Since we don't have TV, we are "reduced" to reading online about the smaller games and watch the bigger ones on the big-screen TV in the window of our local sports outfitter store. Whenever Bama makes ESPN we're there with thermos and lawn chairs...

Not much cheering necessary yesterday, we upset Georgia's Bulldogs decisively by 40 to 31. "Roll Tide!"
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Thursday, September 25, 2008

A 3-letter word

Look what great-auntie Rosie sent us from Switzerland for Gus' 1st birthday!

So cute, Gus loves to stop and look and touch them before we head in for a diaper change or a nap.

He doesn't mind clowns - he prides himself to be one of sorts.
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Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall cleaning

Gus and I took this morning to clean house. While I was scrubbing the sink, Gus decided to get to the bottom of the range drawer - by getting into it...he loves cleaning...he loves to pull out EVERYTHING!

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Friday, September 19, 2008

It's Friday...

It's been a long & busy week and I just realized I haven't posted very much since we settled back into our routine (our Groma in Switzerland, needs some new shots to print and kiss, she e-mailed us today).

So here they are: Jacob eating "a modest" portion of his precious stash of Swiss chocolate...Gus has a tiny piece, too and it makes him smile...

Gus just because...we got "only" two compliments for his hand-knit jacket today...

We're happy to be done with work, ready to do some chores around the house, nap and play.
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Monday, September 15, 2008


December 07 - three months old

March 08 - six month old

September 6, 2008 - almost one year old
What do you say after a year like no other cames full circle?
- Thank you.
Thank you for being a healthy, happy newborn
For never complaining, even when Momma "forgot" a feeding or a diaper change.
For giggling so early, so heartily.
For sleeping so much, when I needed you to.
For surviving that first shaky bath, I inflicted upon you.
For simply loving everything and everyone - it's
made my life so much richer.
For growing and thriving in all the right percentiles - whatever they are.
For so loving your Daddy and me equally.
For napping so reliably.
For smiling and laughing so much.
For not crying when we flew across the big ocean.
For still nursing - we may not admit it but we both still need and love it.
For being so eager to be big and do things on your own.
For being my son and giving me those thight little hugs and
saliva-glazed kisses to make sure I know.
I love you, my toddler. Thank you.

The big ONE!

Gus' first birthday party took place on Saturday in Locust Fork, thrown by his Granna and Pap, in attendance were his great-grand Paw-Paw, great-grand MeMe, Uncle Tim and Rufus and Aunt Emily. We so enjoyed everyone coming and the wonderful gifts that rocked Gus' world (it hasn't stopped shaking yet.) The day also brought finger-painting, a dip in the ever beautiful Locust Fork River and the fabulous wedding of Amanda Russell to Joe Wright.

Before the sugar high - Gus rested up his smile...

Hmmm....cake is good...

The little cake we let him eat Sunday, his actual birthday.
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The big ONE (cont.)

Gus is one year old - hard to believe, yet so obvious...there goes our baby...welcome toddlerhood...

Party hats for everyone...

Presiding over all his presents...he loves the bows and balloons and wrapping paper as much as the presents inside...

One happy little man with two balloons
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wedding weekend

Two weekends ago, we got to spend a quicky sleepover together in Atlanta (sans Andy, sadly) as a two-baby family. I believe the grandparents revelled in the busy bustling of it all and we parents enjoyed a brief respite from drool and diapers to witness the wedding of our dear friend Ryan "Oblo" English to his beautiful bride Robyn.

Gus and his cute, cute cousin Edward...blue eyes abound, and plumb cheeks to match it.

Nothing cuter than two babies in swim trunks..

One happy, beautiful Granna...c'mon Gus what's with the whining...
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My little world traveler

Not quite a year old and already a veteran of cross-atlantic travel. Gus did awesome both ways, regaling fellow passengers with Indian war cries, warrior dances, starring contests and other toddler mischief. Look how empty our flight was on the way back - I prayed for this and got more than I had expected in my wildest fantasies.

We miss Groma and Grosspape and Uncle Dominic, but we're also glad to be home again and be with Daddy again. We are trying every day to settle in a bit more. Jet-lag works itself out of toddlers slowly, but we've been home for a week now and Gus has slept through the last couple of nights again.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Migros is awesome!

If you ever visit Switzerland, here is my advice: Stay as close as you can to a Migros at all times. Migros is Switzerland's largest grocery chain (kind of like Publix or Ingle's or Safeway, depending on where you live). It's squeeky clean, everything is beautifully arranged, and the attention paid to details makes grocerz shopping akin to a walk in an art museum.

But the best part is that every Migros has a restaurant that would rival any Starbucks and fine dining establishment in the U.S. complete with a super (that's Swiss for great) playground stocked high with sleek Swedish toys and games that are low on batteries and plastic and high on educational values...even the high chairs are stylish in this place.
oh...and the coffee (at the press of a button) is to die for, simply divine...I've forgotten how good coffee is here.

Courage, my brother!

Today we said au-revoir to my brother, Dominic - a fine uncle.

He started his final leg of rehab from alcohol abuse at a swanky clinic, that is picky about who they admit. He has been clean for months now, but he still had to submit to daily sobriety tests at his social worker's office each day - and he's had not a sip of alcohol in all of it. I'm proud of his strength and his own personal sense of dignity in an environment that seems short on praise.

We celebrated with the long run around the lake and we had lots of time to talk about the past and the future. We were both glad that we got 2 weeks to spend together, it was a blessing to us.
One thing he said will stay with me for a long time: "My next bottle of beer is waiting at the store. I have to choose every day to not go and buy it." It's something he's heard in AA - still it sums up most legal addictions to a neat point.

For now he gets to learn to live with his addiction at this beautiful rehab clinic (complete with a petting zoo, free bikes for rides to town, a resident cheerful cat and many happy faces and encouraging activities). I pray it all works out for him. I so pray it will.