Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Work it cover boy!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday, sun-day
Roll on Crimson Tide!
Since we don't have TV, we are "reduced" to reading online about the smaller games and watch the bigger ones on the big-screen TV in the window of our local sports outfitter store. Whenever Bama makes ESPN we're there with thermos and lawn chairs...
Not much cheering necessary yesterday, we upset Georgia's Bulldogs decisively by 40 to 31. "Roll Tide!"
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A 3-letter word
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fall cleaning
Friday, September 19, 2008
It's Friday...
So here they are: Jacob eating "a modest" portion of his precious stash of Swiss chocolate...Gus has a tiny piece, too and it makes him smile...
Gus just because...we got "only" two compliments for his hand-knit jacket today...
We're happy to be done with work, ready to do some chores around the house, nap and play.
Monday, September 15, 2008
December 07 - three months old
March 08 - six month old
The big ONE!
Gus' first birthday party took place on Saturday in Locust Fork, thrown by his Granna and Pap, in attendance were his great-grand Paw-Paw, great-grand MeMe, Uncle Tim and Rufus and Aunt Emily. We so enjoyed everyone coming and the wonderful gifts that rocked Gus' world (it hasn't stopped shaking yet.) The day also brought finger-painting, a dip in the ever beautiful Locust Fork River and the fabulous wedding of Amanda Russell to Joe Wright.
Before the sugar high - Gus rested up his smile...
Hmmm....cake is good...
The big ONE (cont.)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wedding weekend
Two weekends ago, we got to spend a quicky sleepover together in Atlanta (sans Andy, sadly) as a two-baby family. I believe the grandparents revelled in the busy bustling of it all and we parents enjoyed a brief respite from drool and diapers to witness the wedding of our dear friend Ryan "Oblo" English to his beautiful bride Robyn.
Gus and his cute, cute cousin Edward...blue eyes abound, and plumb cheeks to match it.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My little world traveler
We miss Groma and Grosspape and Uncle Dominic, but we're also glad to be home again and be with Daddy again. We are trying every day to settle in a bit more. Jet-lag works itself out of toddlers slowly, but we've been home for a week now and Gus has slept through the last couple of nights again.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Migros is awesome!
Courage, my brother!
He started his final leg of rehab from alcohol abuse at a swanky clinic, that is picky about who they admit. He has been clean for months now, but he still had to submit to daily sobriety tests at his social worker's office each day - and he's had not a sip of alcohol in all of it. I'm proud of his strength and his own personal sense of dignity in an environment that seems short on praise.
We celebrated with the long run around the lake and we had lots of time to talk about the past and the future. We were both glad that we got 2 weeks to spend together, it was a blessing to us.
One thing he said will stay with me for a long time: "My next bottle of beer is waiting at the store. I have to choose every day to not go and buy it." It's something he's heard in AA - still it sums up most legal addictions to a neat point.
For now he gets to learn to live with his addiction at this beautiful rehab clinic (complete with a petting zoo, free bikes for rides to town, a resident cheerful cat and many happy faces and encouraging activities). I pray it all works out for him. I so pray it will.