Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jingle Bells 5K

Our first official race together. I figured Gus deserved a shot at winning his age group since he's been such a loyal and cheerful training buddy. With the temperatures in the mid-20s we lined up with a bunch of other crazies at 9 a.m. yesterday. See all the Santas? The hats were part of the goodie bag...we accessorized with raindeer antlers, however.

Gamefaces at the start...

Charging up the finish hill...

We had a blast. Gus loved running with other people...I, of course, have always loved it. Our finishing time was somewhere around 25:something...not bad for two legs and three wheels...
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Leah said...

I love how he is sizing up the little girl next to him in the first picture. Good job, I've never seen someone look so happy at the end of a race.

Maia said...

I like the coffee holder on your running stroller. Mine is lacking one of those...I could really use one! My other problem is that the "handlebar" only goes up so high, and for 6' me, I always feel bent forward just a tiny bit when I'm running. It's not quite my normal running stance. You look very comfortable with yours, as does gus! 20 degrees...sheesh! It's been in the 60s around here, and we're crossing our fingers for some more snow today so it will feel like the holidays again.