Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Wedding Day memories

Just a few more of my favorite pictures of our wedding three years ago:

My mom likes this picture. I love Jacob's expression and his arm around my back.

This one is the best of all the posed shots, it sounded so goofy when our photographer explained it, but it came out great. I love how everyone's personality shines through just a bit. It best illustrates the feeling of that day.

Gus helped me scan these photos, hence this one is askew a bit. I love the beauty of the background and the way Jacob smiles...oh and how shapely my arms look...I worked hard for those tri- and bisceps...

I got a talking-to from our photographer (she was wonderful) for "not warning her" when I changed out of my wedding shoes into my boots for dancing...she made me laugh when she said I was under strict orders to let her know before I was "doing any more cute stuff." I love everything about this shot and I'm so glad she got it.
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Maia said...

That boots shot is the best...awesome boots!!

Angie Davis said...

love love love the boots! i'd say they would be a photographer's dream!