Thursday, April 26, 2007

How Bean came to be

Don't worry, I won't give you the bees-and-flowers, cabbage patch or any other cutsey-type talk in this place.
We have a simple explanation for how The Bean came to be - Immaculate Conception!
Well, likely not - but the Lord's will was definitely at work, since we weren't trying, I was still surging from having finished a marathon about 10 days earlier and - we both agree on this - didn't even like each other all that much, during a hurried and chaotic move with no electricity, stuff all over the place and Christmas coming up within the week.

Needless to say it took "powerful seed" to plant The Bean - that's his father's words not mine.

I realized that something "was out of whack" in mid-January, chalked it up to the marathon, and lost sleep over it anyway. So on a snow-day at school, I surprised Jacob with a pregnancy test and we dumbly stared at it and the directions for a good while in the kitchen as the result came up about as soon as I had finished what I was told to do - I still fume at the fact that I was cheated out of the 4 minutes to contemplate our future, as the directions promised. No, we saw the line - the fateful horizontal line - come up clear as glass immediately.

I cried, I laughed. Jacob remained calm and told me to not do or say anything emotional for the day - sage advise - as I had about a million to-dos immediately appear before my mind...

It took days to sink in - the heartburn, the lack of energy, the increased appetite - there was a perfect explanation for it. It was me! and now it is us and The Bean!

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