Thursday, November 29, 2007

Grateful for grandparents

On Sunday, Gus said goodbye to his Grosmami und Grosbape as they headed back to Switzerland, but before that we all enjoyed a harmonious and fun-filled Thanksgiving break in Locust Fork, Ala. with both sets of grandparents.

Needless to say Gus had a rapt audience at almost all hours of the day and couldn't have wanted for more hugs and kisses. Here are some pictures I took, while I had lots of two-hands time. My Dad got in touch with his farmer roots (he grew up poor on one), my Mom celebrated her 60th birthday and Gus discovered his love for picture books (he really enjoys them!)
I am grateful for family - and my son.

1 comment:

Maia said...

Wow - I just decided to check blogs today (in the midst of a crazy work week) and suddenly a plethora of new photos!
Love the one of Gus yawning, and the one where he's being read to...he looks so rapt!
Great photos. Hope you enjoyed your family time!