Sunday, August 22, 2010

To the lake





It's become a much loved tradition for us to tag along with our friends, Heather & Rion, to stay at her Mom's on Lake Hartwell for an overnight, all-services included, mini-vacation.
This year's was even better than years' past. After a trying two-week absence from all pools and waterways because of Gus' bum leg Dr. Graham cleared Gus for swimming -and swimming he did: Splashing, jumping, paddling, floating and anything else you can do in the water...
I had a great time spending a much needed girl-evening with Heather, Chanley and Aleshka, and Gus did his best to keep up with all his little friends.
It's a bitter-sweet time for me, the end of summer, but I love saying good-bye to a season at Lake Hartwell.
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Friday, August 13, 2010

A leg up



Nothing more tricky than keeping an active, on-to-go-go three year old from moving around...though the splint is helping keep the hurt ankle in line, Gus is getting increasingly restless and frustrated with the whole concept of "keeping the leg elevated and at rest"...I want to elevate my feet and rest, but Gus doesn't really think that's a sensible course of action...

Yesterday, luckily, we had Cedar Ann and Lillian for another morning visit, and they did a great job keeping our minds off the hurt ankle...Gus loved hanging off the porch railing for a who-can-spit-past-the-flower-bed competition!

This morning, after an achy awakening at 5:30, he slept in late (thanks to another dose of Motrin) and is now enjoying his favorite breakfast of Cheerios, raisins and honey...the plan is to take it easy and get out before it gets super hot...and use the stroller as much as possible...

Gus is such a trooper!
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

All in one Day




First a happy image: Gus out of his own inspiration decided to give a fresh, local farm-grown carrot a try (I just set them out as advised and didn't talk them up) and he liked it! Afterwards he was so inspired he had to go lie down and tell all his toys that he "ate a callot"

Then disaster struck (I still feel dramatic about this) Gus and his Daddy were wrestling on the bed and one bad turn led to a pop in Gus' right ankle and now he has a splint and a steady pain medicine regiment while we wait to find out if it is broken or just badly sprained. In kids this young an X-ray is hard to read and his didn't show anything conclusive, but he isn't putting any weight on his foot and refuses to move much at all...poor boy!

I'm ready for this week/year? to be over.
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Muddy buddies





Friday is our outing morning when we join a group of other Mommas and try to find something outdoors that is fun and doesn't cost much/anything.
Today we went to a great Forest Service playground, complete with an old helicopter and other various big machinery - all ready for playing...then we settled down for a relaxing snack and dip in the little creek...muddy buddies is what we call these little boys now.
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Yesterday we got to spend some quality time with Odin, the middle son of my friend, Aleshka, the mother of many wonderful boys. He is two years old and talks up a storm and can play hard...just exactly what Gus needs...even if he doesn't know it.
Together they quickly took the house apart - I put my foot down when I heard furniture being rearranged in the living room. Then they proceeded to give the mulch in the backyard a workout...wonderfully inspiring to Gus who now can't get enough of all the dirt that was there all along...leave it to little busy Odin to show us good boy play.

You are welcome back anytime, Odin.
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Harvest Time


My friend, Brynn, years ago gave me a wonderful gardening book. This at a time when I was trying to grow something, ANYTHING, at close to 10,000 feet, which aptly illustrates what kind of a supportive friend she is. That book, however, futile at the time, now is proving its true value and has helped me identify and fight back all the manyfold enemies of heirloom tomatos. I have pampered and babied them and they are now in full fruit and a source of much happiness to me...they are a bit more fragile but the subtle flavor differences and the plethora of colors and shapes are well worth it. I cringe at the thought of someday again eating those watery, listless Romas from the store...

Here is a little sample of tri-colored beauty: Green Zebra, Hillbilly and Big Beef.

I love hot summer days and I love afternoon showers even more.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cascade Lake Camping Trip cont.





A few more images from our overnight camping trip. I particularly love the shot of Gus wading into the fog-soft stillness of Cascade Lake...he basically stepped out of the tent and straight into the water...where he proceeded to stay for the rest of our morning there.
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Cascade Lake Camping Trip





We took a mini-staycation at Cascade Lake about 40 minutes outside of Brevard in the heart of Dupont State Forest and had a great time on our overnight trip. Gus spent most of his waking hours in or around the lake and loved sleeping in the tent - just not without Daddy right there.

We all recharged and are feeling sufficiently relaxed.
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Swiss Party!!!





A beautiful breeze, a willing grill master (Jacob), lovely guests who brought delicious foods, lots of smiles and even wore Swiss costumes - nice job, Richard, I forgive you the Canadian beer, all contributed greatly to a lovely evening under lampions talking about everything and even some Swiss history.

You are all wonderful friends to us!
Schoene Erschte August!
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Erschte Auguscht!



Today is the day, all things come to an abrupt halt a world away in a little country called Switzerland. People festoon their homes with flags and lampions (paper laterns) and in the evening everyone gathers at big bonfires to eat sausages, cheese delicacies and watch children walk in formation with lampions on wooden sticks. People sing nostalgic songs and drink beer and watch lots of fireworks.

August 1 is when Switzerland first came to be by act of a sworn alliance between three cantons (states) who were tired of being oppressed by Austrian Royalty in 1291 (!!!)Years of guerrilla warfare ensued and finally through sheer will, home advantage and peasant-smarts a small souvereign nation was born.

Tonight we're hosting a small party for good friends to celebrate Gus'/my heritage and to say thanks to people who have been so supportive to us in the last year. My Mom outdid herself and has sent me all the fixings to throw a Swiss-party in style.

Happy Erschte Auguscht everyone!
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