Thursday, June 9, 2011

Floating Along





Yesterday, as temperatures lazily hovered in the mid-80s, we decided to cool off drastically and quick, we loaded up the Jeepster with an inner tube (this spells a good time, if your name is Jacob) and tooled on down to Davidson River in Pisgah National Forest - that's right, we live just two stumbles from this beauty and we go wallow in it every chance we get.

Gus loves the inner tube and I love watching him and Jacob playing in and around it...until they get in the currents where things get a bit too dynamic for my taste...but of course, that's what makes my two men-hearts go pitter-patter and makes them want to do it again and again...needless to say we brought a innertube, but left anything useful and safe (such as towels or Gus' swim vest) at home.

We were shivering by the time we were done, and stayed nice and cool for the rest of the day.

Summer is such a treat around here!
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a said...

sumer is THE best in North Carolina - enjoy!!!

Maia said...

What a beautiful river!