Thursday, August 13, 2009

I say tomato....

This is an update for my Mami (and everyone else garden-inclined) This year I'm the proud seasonal surogate of nine and one half (one is a runt that has been abandoned by me only to claw its way up a neighboring cage) heirloom tomato plants, four of which my mother bought at the local farmer's market. For someone usually inclined to buy seedlings saying things like "hearty" and "fleshy" and "big" and who associates heirloom with fickle and puny, I'm happy to report that I'm proven wrong, wrong, wrong. Though I've been diligent in my watering (and we had a good bit of afternoon rains to help me out) I have otherwise done little to help these fine plants along. No pesticides, just rich compost and cages, which are now straining under the heavy load. This monster above (almost 9 inches in diameter) is of a variety called Juliet and it is taking its sweet old time to ripen and grow... I visit it daily and simply sit in awe of the plants sturdiness. I do have to watch it, since Jacob is an avid fan of fried green tomato and has eyed this particular one as a good would be like a fried green omelet...

This variety is a pineapple tomato heirloom and it is super prolific in its output...I'm counting my mason jars and flipping through my favorite sauce about two weeks canning will be my full-time job...

These are called Salsa (another one of my Mom's finds), small and extremely flavorful with a little hint of a spicy bite at the end. They make me smile as they sit on my window sill. Happy harvest everyone!
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