Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Here are a couple of closeup pictures of the belly that contains the Bean. We're still doing really good considering that Bean is increasingly less comfortable in there and is fond of sticking a foot out under my left rib cage just whenever the fancy strikes - we scared a little girl at the post office yesterday with that trick...her eyes got huge and a hand went searchingly for her Mom's skirtfold when she saw the belly changing shape...
It's amazing how many people now are an authority on how that belly measures up. Depending on whom you ask, I'm carrying "high" or "low" - I think I'm carrying just right...any lower and I'd be going to the potty non-stop and any higher and I wouldn't be able to breathe...

1 comment:

Maia said...

How do you manage to look so pretty, cool & collected at 81/2 months??